Reinventing the traditional consulting service approach

At Onit, we offer a synergistic solution that combines the best business practices and tactics. This has contributed to the success of our expert partners, and we firmly believe it will contribute to yours.

Our 5 areas of expertise

At Onit, our service offering brings together over 200 experts specializing in all major business issues.

Onit | Icône - Triangle bleu et point rouge - Expertise en croissance


Taking one step back to move ahead

Be bold enough to question your methods in order to enhance your company’s performance.

E-commerce and monetization


Strategic marketing

Organizational performance

Business strategy


Onit | Icône - Barre rouge et triangle bleu - Expertise en finances


Strengthening finances to drive growth

Structure and optimize the company’s financial resources to achieve its objectives while respecting the business model.

Mergers and acquisitions

Accounting and taxation

Tax credits and subsidies

Business and corporate law

Integrated financing

CFO on demand

Business transfer

Onit | Icône - Demi-lune bleue et point rouge - Expertise en gestion des risques

Risk management

Securing your business to make it more agile

Empower your decision-makers with a proper understanding of the actual risks.

Property damage and liability insurance

Social benefits

Forex, commodities and interest rate risk management

Litigation and civil law

Wealth management

Shareholder remuneration

Workplace health and safety

Onit | Icône - Triangle bleu et point rouge - Expertise en ressources humaines

Human resources

Attracting and retaining the best talent

Recognize human capital as a true competitive advantage.

Talent acquisition

Compliance and labour law

Diagnostics, structures and methodologies

Talent training and development

HR management abroad

Employer brand

Talent recruitment and retention

Total compensation

Onit_Redaction SEO_Pour trad Onit_Redaction SEO_Pour trad 100% 12 Onit | Icône - Barre bleue et points rouges - Expertise en technologies de l'information La compatibilité du lecteur d'écran est activée. Onit | Icône - Barre bleue et points rouges - Expertise en technologies de l'information

Digital transformation

Investing in the delivery machine

Demystify IT, implement strong solutions and drive innovation.


Overall management of technological projects

Infrastructures, managed services and technical support

Digital innovation

Software solutions

CIO on demand


How to reach us

Ready to move up a gear and turn your company into one of the very best?

Or… do you have what it takes to join Onit’s ecosystem as an expert partner?